Information about the Post office and DWP working together to support people to access their pension who are self isolating can be found on the link below.
Support for people who are struggling with their mental health during coronavirus
Art Packs available to download from Flourish
Disability Sheffield is offering companion calls to any ladies who are isolated and do not have the internet who would benefit from a phone chat. If you know anyone who could use this service, please contact Kathryn Littlewood on
Speak up resources can be accessed free of charge; they support people to keep safe and help them to make their own decisions about some important thing in their lives:
Here are the resources released this month; they can all be found by clicking the links below:
- I can’t smell it so it must be safe: you will find a new film about how to stay safe from carbon monoxide.
- Prioritise Me: there are resources that show people how to join the ‘Priority Services Register’ with their energy company. You will also find other training presentations and films that will help support people to understand the energy market; such as how to save energy and still keep warm, understand energy bills and switch providers.
- Peaceful Minds: you will find ideas for what to do when staying at home. You will also find information about a very relaxing yoga session – which Speak up hosting weekly at 2pm on a Wednesday. The yoga session is via Zoom, please email if you would like the link to join this session everyone is most welcome.
Hospital / A&E grab sheet: This is a simple sheet for families to use if they need to attend hospital / A&E during lockdown. You can fill it out so that it is ready to grab in an emergency.
Covid-19 Lifebook style timecapsules sheets: person-centred planning tools to record feelings and emotions during this time and to set goals for the future. Please click on each link below to view and save.
My 2020 COVID-19 time capsule cover sheet
Health and well-being
Looking after your feelings and your body: a guide in easy read format with useful advice on staying well during the coronavirus outbreak.
Support from Cavendish Cancer Care
Although the therapy centre is closed, Cavendish Cancer Care is continuing to support people affected by cancer, offering one to one counselling and therapeutic support by telephone and face to face online. More information is in the leaflet below.