Sheffield Mencap and Gateway Staff Team
Our staff team are caring, skilled and dedicated to our members. Many of our staff have lived experience of learning disabilities or caring, bringing an additional dimension of understanding to their work.
Our CEO, Dave Swindlehurst, has over 25 years’ experience leading charities in the social care sector. He joined Sheffield Mencap and Gateway in 2016 as a Senior Manager before progressing to CEO in 2022.

Sheffield Mencap and Gateway Senior Management Team

Jonathan Raimondi
Senior Manager

Dave Swindlehurst

Kelly Daubney
Senior Manager
Sheffield Mencap and Gateway Trustees
Chair of Trustees: Katy Pugh
Vice Chair: Judith Badger
Treasurer: Adam Tkacz
Trustees: Mike Baxter, Joanne Thompson, Adam Tkacz, Catherine Shepherd, Xiaoyan Fu, Brigitte Delaney.