Our brilliant film about improving health outcomes for learning disability patients is an entrant in this year’s Smiley Charity Film Awards! Just a couple of clicks can help get us to through to the next round and it’s completely free. Voting closes on February 5th so click the button below to vote for Sheffield Mencap and Gateway now!

Sheffield Mencap and Gateway
An independent charity supporting people with a learning disability or autism and their family carers in Sheffield since 1951.

Our vision is that all people with a learning disability and their carers in Sheffield are valued, included and respected so they can live fair, full and happy lives

We support people to become active members of their community.
We encourage people to believe in themselves and recognise their potential.
We provide choice and opportunities to build skills for life.
We facilitate social connection and positive relationships.
We promote better physical, mental and emotional health.

A year at Sheffield Mencap and Gateway in numbers

Stories from our Members
Further Information
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