On Monday 4 January the Prime Minister announced that England will enter another lockdown, where we are all asked to stay safe at home, and to only leave home for essential reasons.

This means that Sheffield Mencap & Gateway will be closing our building from 5pm on Tuesday 5 January, until further notice.

We will continue to deliver Activity & Learning Hub to our students remotely, either through tailored learning activities that we will post out to you, or through online sessions delivered over Zoom.

All students and their families or carers will get a phone call over the coming days from our ALH team to make these arrangements. If you have any urgent questions in the meantime, you can contact our Chief Executive Janet Sullivan by sending an email to janetsullivan@sheffieldmencap.org.uk.

Our Carers Services will continue to be delivered remotely, over the phone and through Zoom meet-ups. You can find out more about the virtual groups and events that our Carers Outreach Team offer on our Facebook Events page.

Gateway, Sports Groups and our Children’s Services will unfortunately remain closed until it is safe for us to return to building-based services again.

As a reminder, Norfolk Lodge will be closed to members from 5pm on Tuesday 5 January 2021, until further notice.

We are hopeful that with a vaccination on the horizon, we will be able to welcome our students and members back soon, and we cannot wait to see you all again.

In the meantime, please stay positive and stay safe at home.